Wednesday, October 27, 2010


My theory on college:

College is 4 years filled with... well, what is it filled with? There is a lot of partying, socialization, self discovery, and maybe a bit of learning.

It seems a bit unnecessary to spend 4 years of life in an institution, spending tens of thousands of dollars on what seems like just wasting time living somewhere that isn't home. It may be fun, but it seems so very inefficient.

Breaking college down into numbers:

I don't know about other people, but from what I've seen from my friends and myself, nobody really studies for a test more than 2 days in advance, most of which only use 1 day. Let's assume 2.

On a quarter system, most classes come down to 3 tests. 2 midterms and 1 final.

A quarter has about 4 classes.

A year has usually 3 quarters.

And college is 4 years.

3 tests x 4 classes x 3 quarters x 4 years = 144 tests

Giving 2 days of study time between each test (a test every 3 days), that would make college come down to (144 x 3 =) 432 days. Which is 1 year and 2 months about. That leaves a potential 2.8 years for partying and the other fun (or moving on to the next part of life).

Even adding .8 years of vacation time (or adding more study days.. what ever you want) would still make college into a 2 year program. Which in turn would give an extra 2 years to do... anything really.

Don't get me wrong here, I enjoyed college, possibly too much. The problem is that the basics and foundations of learning are never really taught, and so much time is wasted in sessions of attempted learning.

Anyways, the way I see it, lectures are unnecessary. All the material can be learned through reading, watching youtube videos, or just reading the teacher's powerpoints or notes. The actual process of listening to the teacher is quite inefficient, not in the sense of knowledge, but in the sense of time.

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